9 Quotes & Sayings By Mani S Sivasubramanian

Mani S. Sivasubramanian is an award-winning author, consultant, and global speaker. He is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Getting Ahead in Any Career (Harper Collins) and Fire Your Boss: How to Turn Good Bosses into Great Ones (Palgrave Macmillan). He has spoken at over seventy applied behavior analysis conferences, including the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)’s Applied Behavior Analysis Conference in Orlando, Florida (2015), the Applied Behavior Analysis Convention in Portland, Oregon (2015), the International Association of Applied Behavior Analysis’s Convention in Boston, Massachusetts (2014), and the American Society for Training & Development’s Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana (2014) Read more

His articles have appeared in journals such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Today, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (JABAs), International Journal of Behavioral Development (IJBD), Psychology Today, and the Journal of Child & Family Studies.

Believe in your dreams. Your passion will show you the...
Believe in your dreams. Your passion will show you the way Mani S. Sivasubramanian
Change is uncomfortable. And heading out into unfamiliar terrain is risky. Far too many crave comfort and security. And so they lead a limited existence within the safe confines of their velvety prisons. Mani S. Sivasubramanian
We all have our own stories. The story you tell about yourself, even if you only tell it to yourself, drives your actions and has a significant impact on your focus. Mani S. Sivasubramanian
Realize the joy there is in trying to accomplish the impossible. Mani S. Sivasubramanian
You see, Adrian, we do many things. We assign meaning to some, and think of others as lacking it. But who's to tell when we're right - and when we're wrong? Mani S. Sivasubramanian
Sometimes, to have fun, you've got to be willing to take a chance - and even be frightened! Mani S. Sivasubramanian
How can you make efficiency a habit, and an enjoyable one at that? Mani S. Sivasubramanian
Everyone has a purpose in life - even if yours is to go through it believing you don't have one! Mani S. Sivasubramanian